Our Services

Steadfast Remodeling exists for the sole purpose of bringing your ideas, thoughts, and dreams into a tangible existence. Whether that means building your picture perfect custom deck, bringing your bathroom out of the mid-80’s, or building something completely from scratch, we are here to help you. We love challenges. The bigger and crazier ideas you have, we’re here for it! With a complete woodworking shop at our disposal, no job is too large nor too small. If you can dream it, we can build it.

Custom Doors


Dream it

Custom butcher block countertops, custom kitchen cabinets, built-in cabinetry for your dream office space, decks for all your grilling needs, or anything else you can dream of. We can build it into reality for you.

Build it

Not only can we build a plethora of custom wood products, we can do it with precision and accuracy that you can count on every time, every job.